London’s Most Expensive Mansion Of 2023 Sold for £138 Million : Indian Millionaire Owns It

London’s most expensive mansion sold for £138 Million to an Indian Millionaire: The most expensive house in the heart of London Sold to Indian Millionaire Adar Poonawalla Known as the “Vaccine King Of India” The London’s 1920 Mansion has been sold to an Indian Millionaire Adar Poonawalla.

India Vaccine King Adar Poonawalla Owns the 1921 Mansion In London

India’s vaccine King Adar Punawalla has closed the deal to buy London’s most expensive house of 2023 the billionaire has splashed out a whopping 138 million for the house a 1920s mansion that will be acquired by the UK subsidiary of his company the Serum Institute of India
So what do you get for 138£

Million here’s a detailed watch this report by WION NEWS CHANNEL


London’s most expensive house has been taken off the market and the buyer is none other than the vaccine king of India Adar Punawalla the Serum Institute CEO, who has just bought the keys to the sprawling ABAC


The most expensive house in London comes

with 13 bedrooms a 65 ft entrance hall a chandelier-lit Ballroom a massage room a steam room and a secret private garden now Adar Punawalla reportedly have no intentions to relocate permanently but Reports says the house will be used as a base for the company and his family during their visits to the United Kingdom pun Wala who was one of the times

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100 most influential people of 2021 have bought the house following multi-million pound investments in vaccine research and Manufacturing facilities near Oxford the ARA Conway house will reportedly be acquired by Serum Life Sciences a UK subsidiary of the Serum Institute making it essentially a company guest house Adar Punawalla has bought the Mansion

Headlines the serum Institute CEO has bought the house from Dominica Kulik the daughter of late polish billionaire Yan Kulik who was once Poland’s richest man and given how the British Capital City’s property prices have sold recently Kulik has made a big profit on this she bought the property 3 years ago for £57 million


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