We didn’t start war but Israel’s PM Nitinyahu warns Hamas : Israel and Hamas conflict

Israel and Hamas conflict: Amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a statement on Tuesday asserting that Israel did not initiate the war but is determined to bring it to a conclusion.

This statement comes as the Israel-Hamas war, which began on Saturday, continues to escalate, with the death toll surpassing 1600 by Tuesday.

Netanyahu emphasized that Israel did not seek this war, highlighting that it was forced upon them in a brutal and savage manner. However, he underlined their commitment to finish the conflict, even though they did not start it.

Israel and Hamas Conflict-We didn’t start war but Israel’s PM Nitinyahu warns Hamas

The Prime Minister also stressed that Hamas will come to realize that they made a historic mistake by attacking Israel. He emphasized that the Jewish people, who were once stateless and defenseless, are no longer in that position. Israel intends to exact a price for the aggression that will be remembered by Hamas and other enemies for decades to come.

Netanyahu strongly condemned the horrific attacks carried out by Hamas against innocent Israelis, describing them as shocking. These attacks included slaughtering families in their homes, massacring hundreds of young people at an outdoor festival, and kidnapping women, children, the elderly, and even Holocaust survivors. Netanyahu pointed out that Hamas terrorists had committed heinous acts against children, such as binding, burning, and executing them.

Drawing a parallel between Hamas and ISIS, Netanyahu called for support from Israel’s allies, stating that Hamas is akin to ISIS. He highlighted the need for the forces of civilization to unite in support of Israel, just as they did to defeat ISIS.

Netanyahu expressed gratitude to countries that had shown support for Israel since the war began, including President Biden and leaders worldwide who stood with Israel. He thanked the people and Congress of the United States for their support.

Furthermore, Netanyahu emphasized that Israel’s fight against Hamas is not only for its own people but for every nation that opposes barbarism. He firmly believed that Israel would emerge victorious, and when that happens, the entire civilized world would also win.

The Israel-Hamas conflict was triggered when Hamas, the ruling authority in the Gaza Strip, launched thousands of rockets and sent fighters across the border in a significant incursion, reminiscent of Israel’s 1948 War of Independence.

The violence in this conflict has resulted in over 1600 casualties on both sides, prompting international declarations of support for Israel, as well as appeals for an end to the fighting and the protection of civilians.

In this SEO-friendly version, we’ve included key phrases related to the Israel-Hamas conflict, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement, and the ongoing violence. This should help improve the visibility of the content in search engine results related to these topics.


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